Android Head Units

Android Head Units

How to pull zxw_factory_config.xml file from Head Unit?

The zxw_factory_config.xml file is a device/vendor specific configuration file that gets shipped with your Head Unit. Before you make any changes, please make a backup of the original file, so that you can always revert to it.

  1. Download ADB from Android SDK Platform Tools
  2. Create a Wi-Fi hotspot on your phone
  3. Connect Head Unit and your laptop to that Wi-Fi hotspot
  4. Connect to the Head Unit with ADB
    adb connect IP:PORT
  5. Pull the file into your laptop
    adb pull /mnt/privdata1/zxw_factory_config.xml
    If this command fails with a “Permission Denied” error, you will need to change the permissions on the file in order to pull/copy it:
    adb shell
    chmod +r /mnt/privdata1/zxw_factory_config.xml
    Then re-run the adb pull command above
  6. Disconnect
    adb disconnect
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