Version 1.8.1 based on Android 13 for KSW devices running on M600 (SD662/SM6115) and M606 (SD460/SM4250) platform, built on .
- Nothing interesting
Changes since Witstek-T-M600_OS_v1.7.8-ota
built 21 days earlier:
- See M700 1.5.9 update, as they were built from the same source and at the same time.
File signatures
- md5: b5837ea536d5dddcb4515e270d7c6c29
- sha1: f2d36486704cf31de65f16e993eb4a8cc0c56cef
- sha256: 71f9a6645adf173037627ef3dff594648453fe1752c10c163e3aa7c425cd543b