Android Head Units

Android Head Units


Version 1.6.3 based on Android 13 for KSW devices running on M700 (SD680/SM6225) and M785 (SD685/SM6225-AD) platform, built on .


  • Nothing interesting

Changes since Witstek-T-M700_OS_v1.5.9-ota built 38 days earlier:

  • Bluetooth app changes to show a new toast message “Unable to connect to the phone, please disconnect CarPlay and try again”
  • Lots of code formatting changes, making it difficult to determine other changes

File signatures

  • md5: bac65afd517f3b9e37aacdd9d4412e9e
  • sha1: ed3e7af4f094d794a501f74dd3b39ffc2d4cb83e
  • sha256: cf9ca059f41a6b54335453bf5258a17a913fdc2f8a5c1490690b4e80562a1851
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